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Our Services

We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile and to your highest level of satisfaction. 

All the services you need,
all in one place.

  • Basic Pay Calculation

    • New starters and leavers

    • Variable payments, allowances and deductions in each pay period, based on figures provided by the Company

    • Fixed salary payments

    • Part month payments for new starters starting mid-month

    • Part month and final payments for leavers

    • Calculate holiday payments

    • Tax Code changes

    • Statutory payments and Recovery calculations (SMP, SPP, ShPP, SAP, SPBP)

    • Statutory deductions such as Court Orders, CSAs, Student Loans etc.

    • Voluntary deductions, if any

    • Furlough payments*

    • Expenses through payroll

    • Administration of, and liaison with, third party bodies such as pension providers

    • Payrolling Benefits in Kind*

  • Pension Management

    • Pension calculation to include continuous assessment and application under UK AE regulations

    • Client to advise of Opt out notification with automatic pension refund, if within statutory guidelines

    • Pension calculations for Workplace Pensions schemes

    • Enrollment letters provided to employees*

    • Produce enrollment files to upload new employees onto pension provider portal and a contributions file to upload all contributions for pension period*

  • Payroll Tax Payments and Filings

    • RTI electronic submission to HMRC each pay period, including notification of new starters and leavers

    • Respond to inquiries from HMRC

    • Professional help to deal with HMRC legislation and inquiries

  • Payslip Options

    • Payslips provided via Email, Employee Portal (see below), post*

  • Funding Options

    • Client pays employees, HMRC and Pension directly

    • ES-Payroll to produce CSV file for Client to upload to process payments

    • ES-Payroll pays employees via Modulr*

  • Reports

    • Payroll Summary, Pension summary, Pay Component breakdown, Pay method per employee, P32 (HMRC liability)

    • P45 

    • GL file

    • Bespoke GL file*

    • All reports provided via Employer Portal (see below)

  • Employee & Employer Portal*

    • Employees

    o View Payslips

    o Request / cancel holidays 

    o View Company contracts and documents 

    o Update their personal information

    o View P60s

    • Employers 

    o View absence calender for all employees

    o Authorise / reject holiday requests 

    o Approve the payroll prior to finalising

    o Access / run all reports in real time

  • Tax Year End

    • Final RTI submission in last pay period of tax year

    • P60 issued to every employee still in current employment as at 5th April (can be available via Portal)

  • Additional Services Available

    • Processing of Occupational payments e.g. Company Sick Pay etc.*

    • IR 35 payrolls

    • Worker Status payrolls

    • Submission of furlough claim to HMRC

*Additional fee may be applicable

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Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 

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